Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day!

Last night, my special request was to let me stay in bed a little longer. My husband promised he would feed and walk with the dog. Yey!

I woke up around 9:30 a.m. and decided to read in bed but I cannot concentrate. There's so much activity in the house. I could hear the dog running around, I could hear my husband in the kitchen, and I could hear the girls arguing about something.

Around 10:00 a.m., I have to get up. IC heard me and blocked the way, saying 'You are not allowed to go down, yet!' The same procedure every year :-D

When I was finally allowed to go down, IC escorted me and proudly presented the breakfast table.

Mother's Day 2014 breakfast table

I got a shirt (that MC bought so she could borrow it)
and two books (bought on a budget as IC wanted to buy a book for herself, too!)
and the lovely poems created by my kids in school.
My husband gave me a box of chocolate praline which I shared with the girls (I have to!).
That was just the early morning part. The second part of Mother's Day is being a mom to a furry creature named Rikki. It was the 6th Weinheimer Tiermesse (Animal Fair) and we absolutely need to go there to buy our dog's special treats.

Weinheimer Tiermesse 2014
Afterwards, we passed by our favorite farm store to buy ingredients for a special Mother's Day dinner. We got apples, asparagus, strawberry, and two bottles of wine. My husband is cooking, of course.

Enough strawberry for dinner? And some wine, too.

Back home, it started to rain, which turned into hailstorm! Yay. My husband and I (plus the dog) had to wait it out inside the car. Despite the fact that we are already in front of our front door!

After the hailstorm
After watching Formula 1, my husband started cooking our much loved asparagus dish. I was on the couch with the girls, watching TV while they got creative (they're on a painting fever since last week.)

Asparagus soup
Asparagus, pancake, and ham for dinner
Asparagus pancake! Yum!
Another unforgettable Mother's Day. 

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