Friday, April 17, 2009

What is Important to You?

That was a question that my seven-year-old MC asked her friend during a morning walk to school.

Her friend's answer was 'money is the most important thing in the world.' Explaining that with money, she could buy anthing she wanted.

To which MC countered, ' I think friendship is the most important thing in the world.'

When she told me this story, MC told me her reason why she chose friendship: 'When you have no friends to play with, then it is a lonely and very boring day.'

I dont know where she gets her inspiration but I am glad she knows what is important.


Vlado&Toni said...

what a lovely girl, MC is.. quite wise.. I think it's also because of the values you implant on your children :) that's why she had a different answer than her friend.

haze said...

Wisdom at a young age and am sure she'll be more wiser while growing up!

haze said...

Wisdom at a young age and am sure she'll be more wiser while growing up!

imom said...

I agree with manang Toni. Those are the values she sees in your family. You must be glowing all over with proud that your daughter knows what really matters at such a young age. Great job you're doing!

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a heartwarming answer. MC emanates that from you because you've taught her the important values in life.