Wednesday, September 29, 2010

She's in Grade One!

Einschulung, the first day of school for first graders.

A major event much awaited not only by the future grade one pupils; but of the whole family as well. It is a tradition in Germany to celebrate this day in grand style.

The preparation is not only done academically, but also in a real style. In IC's school -- a few months before the end of their pre-schooler term; moms and dads and siblings, too -- gathered after school to create the special Schultüte or the school cone.

With a pot luck snack giving us more energy and keeping the kids a little busy; everybody started crafting the specially designed school cone. IC wanted something girly and pink, of course! Next thing would be the surprise goodies that would go inside the cone.

Other preparation highlights during the school break, IC was the one who pushed for all of these things:
- she started with intensive reading. She said she wanted to learn how to read already so she would always ask us to read for her more than once a day.
- she started, together with her sister, writing letters for the whole family, almost nightly
- together with her sister, she would sit down with some Math problems; we even started with those flash cards
- she wants to know more about the planets, the world, etc.

She was so concentrated on learning more; that in most cases, we would be the one asking her to take a break or to play!

Of course, my little fashionista would not forget to prepare for:
- her first day of school attire. It took us hours to find her the right set of clothes and the coolest pair of shoes
- her Schultasche or her school bag set. Which was a gift from her grandpa in Germany, good thing it came on time :D
- she always reminded us not to forget her surprises in the cones and proceeded to tick her list :D

She was so concentrated on ticking down her list that it would almost always bring her to frenzy, but hey, it is only once that you get to enjoy the Einschulung, right?

So on the day of the Einschulung, she was up early; she dressed up with her new clothes and shoes; she carried her new school bag; and as nonchalantly as possible, greeted her classmates (who are all bursting with excitement) who are already gathered inside the auditorium for the first graders' Einschulung welcome

Family, relatives are invited. The first graders were the VIP guests, and they were all so proud they couldnt barely sit still; most especially when their names were called to receive their most awaited Schultüte. And when they were asked to join their respective teachers in their classrooms -- it was chaos because the parents and grandparents just cant get enough photos! Good thing the kids took it all in stride, after all, they are now in Grade One!


September 17, 2010

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