Monday, April 27, 2009

Aha Moment

I was so busy and was so dirty and was on my knee in the kitchen when my husband told me that the frozen grocery delivery man was on the door.

For the first time, I told him to tell the delivery man that I am not at home. He did and the other man drove off.

And when the delivery man was gone, both girls ran into the kitchen telling me that they were amazed of Papa's success in asking the man to drive away without any question saying, 'Mama, that was really something. We didnt think it would really work.'

Opppssss. That was also something for me.

I didnt realize that the girls heard what I told their father. I didnt realize that the girls went with their father to the door. I didnt realized how the girls closely observed what happened. I didnt realize the consequence of my 'white lie.'

I had to explain. I told them that pretending like that is not really appropriate. But I am busy in the kitchen. And I am dirty. And I cannot talk to someone looking and smelling like I did.

To compensate to the delivery man and show the girls that I am sorry for my bad example, I called their main office and asked them to come back the next day as I missed today's visit.

The girls' nodded their head in agreement for my good deed :)


Vk-mahalkaayo said...

willkommen zu hause.......

thanks for the call ha?
happy to hear nga nandito na kayo balik alemania.

moment.....natawa ako sa post mo ngayon.
iba ang sa akin....until now i do it.

what?...kung may magwerbung?.....when i open the door, nakita nila...auslander si ako.....tanong nila...verstehen sie deutsch?....lingon-lingon ako....

sabihin ko, auslander, verstehen nicht....kein deutsch....
tapos narinig sa mga bata, sabihin....lügnerin kayo

sabi ko, para madali, so wala ng explanation.....

minsan,sabihin ko ng spass pa.....morgen andere baustelle.......

sorry..........minsan lüge may exemption, hindi ba?

kagaya sa iyo....heeeeh

again, welcome home.

namalansa ako, i just open my pc to say.....willkommen..........

hugs sa mga bata.

Vlado&Toni said...

ooopppsss that was really an oooopppss moment, but you were very clever handling the situation :D