Monday, September 14, 2009

Saving for Mama's Sunglasses

The kids cannot wait to receive their allowance this month. In fact, they cannot wait to receive their allowances for the next months.

They need to save those allowances.


Because they broke my sunglasses. They were roughly playing inside the car during a long trip when it happened. They heard enough warnings from me. Then I heard a crack and I knew it's my glasses.

They didnt try to deny it. They simply showed the broken pieces to me.

And I told them there are important things to be done.

Number one, they are responsible in making sure that I got a new pair of sunglasses.
Number two, the money would come from them.
Number three, they need to save.
Number four, their allowances would suffer.

They nodded and excitedly asked me if they are allowed to choose my new pair. Definitely, I answered. And so here we are, all three, anticipating our shopping trip.

Breaking something is also a cause to create bonding time :D

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