Friday, January 15, 2010

A very good advantage

IC is sick. She wants mama. So I stayed with her.

A very good advantage of being a stay-at-home-mom is that you own your time. You dont have to worry about disrupting office schedules or cancelling appointments or asking permissions to take a leave of absence.

A very good advantage that my husband is now his own boss is that you dont have to worry about disrupting office schedules or cancelling appointments or asking persmissions to take a leave of absence.

Because as we told everybody, the family and kids first before any other things. After all, we are working for our family's future, for the kids future.

It is acknowledged that when the kids have an appointment, we are there. It is accepted that if there are school activities, we are there. It is known that when the kids needed us, we are there. Indeed, we have very good advantages being a SAHM and my husband, being his own boss. We own our time.

But of course, I also admire the parents who could juggle between jobs and the family. It is not easy but they cope.

I am thinking of slowly getting back into the working world. I need to talk to the girls. I need to talk to them about a very good advantage when mama starts working again. Let me tick down the list... will inform you later!

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