Friday, May 2, 2008

I Gained

And I am still gaining! Arrrgghhhh...

In our 5-week vacation last Feb-Mar; I said it is okay. After all, I want to enjoy the vacation; and that would include the food and the rest. But I think I enjoyed eating and rested too much esp here and here. Too much that I didnt know I was gaining so fast.

It was only when I tried on my smallest bikini during the last week of that vacation that I realized, ooopsssss... what happened to me? Either the bikini shrunk or I gained :D Accepting the later, I decided not to look in the mirror again. And I decided to put the bikini away.

And off I went to enjoy the last days of my vacation -- with more food and more rest! To be frank with you, this is the only vacation where I didnt get my fill of cheesecakes! I love cheesecakes. But it was because I susbtituted those yummy cakes for the Krispy Kreme doughnuts. You see, been hearing a lot about this sweets and I wanted to indulge as we dont have this doughnuts in Germany.

So who am I to complain now? I am not complaining, I am getting ready to tell you what I am doing about this and what I plan to do about it; and here's my fitness program:

1. skipping rope for 100 times per day
2. 30 mins in the stationary bike, two times a week
3. walking, walking, walking
4. 30 mins gymnastics ball combined with weights one time per week

and I am planning to go jogging at least two times a week. I've actually started yesterday, yohoo!

Now dont ask me about my diet :)


Jan said...

and you have pr3 here. it means a lot to a blogger that gets paid to write/blog. higher pr means higher pay.

well, i gained a lot too from my 6-week vacation in the phils. too much rest and food. good for you, you have a fitness program. i wish i can be disciplined in following any fitness programs too. wish you the best in your fitness plan!

raqgold said...

janet - thanks for letting me know :) that's my fitness program and i wish i could do that regularly esp now that barbecue time na ulit :D

Chateau said...

Hi raquel! Good luck with your fitness program... The hardest part is always getting started. Get past that and the rest is will be easier. :)

haze said...

Sports is the best way to lose weight ;) ! I started not dieting but changing my food intake habit. Therefore, I can still eat what I want. I lost 3 kls and hubby 7 kls. My secret: eat meat twice a week, more on fish and steam vegetables, soup at salad during the night. I don't use oil for cooking instead I put them in the oven. I try to avoid eating starchy food like pasta, tarts, cakes! You don't looked as if you gained weight! Maybe it's just the question of toning your muscles ;) ! Good luck Raggold :D !!!

raqgold said...

chats, thanks for the encouragement. i know how successful you were with yours, idol :D

haze, nakow - i cant resist sweets! but i might work on steaming the veggies and using the oven more. and yep, we love salad and soup but with a main dish.

Heart of Rachel said...

That sounds like a great fitness program. Keep up the healthy routine!

ScroochChronicles said...

Good luck!! So, Krispy Kreme pala ang culprit ha..hehehe :)

raqgold said...

rach, i am loving jogging better :D kahit na magisa lang ako.

cookie, right, krispy kreme because i kept on reading them from the mom bloggers such that it made me hoard them, hahaha

raqgold said...

geri - people tell me that too, that i dont look like i gained. but they dont see me when I stand naked in front of the mirror :D and i feel it the heaviness too. and you are right, when i started skipping rope and jogging, it became a routine already. plus the fitness program makes me feel confident.