And IC then added, 'Jesus is most important than those Christmas trees and Christmas cookies. '
If my little girls know the real reason for the season, then I am sure most of us know it, too. And let us inform others who might have forgotten due to the festivities around us.
Did you know that Germany celebrates two days of Christmas? The 25th and the 26th of December.
Did you know that gift giving in Germany is done on the Eve of Christmas day? Since the kids couldnt wait for midnight, we do it right after our Christmas dinner.
Did you know that we dont put the gifts under the Christmas tree until it is the 24th of December? Simply because the Child Child brings them secretly.
Did you know that the Christmas gifts here in Germany are not delivered by Santa Claus, who comes to visit during December 6; they are instead given by das Christkind (the Child Christ):
The Christkind is a sprite-like child, usually depicted with blond hair and angelic wings. Martin Luther intended it to be a reference to the incarnation of Jesus as an infant. It is presumed by some to be so, but seems to be rooted in the Alsatian-born myth of a child bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. Children never see the Christkind, as parents will always tell them that the Christkind just disappeared before they came
Did you know that Germany celebrates two days of Christmas? The first on the 25th and the second is on the 26th of December.A blessed Christmas to all!
Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! May you and your family continue to feel the Christmas spirit of love, peace and happiness all year round.I am really proud of you and H for teaching your daughters that Jesus is the only reason we are celebrating Christmas.You are both doing a great job, keep it up!
Have a Blessed and hopeful New year!!!
Hallo Rach n Familie,
wir wünschen euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, ein glückliches und gesundes neues Jahr.
Alles Gute an euch alle und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2009
Bernhard,Vicki,Sascha and Kimberly Lamberz
Warm Holiday Greetings to you and yours, R!
What pretty angels you have.
Your Christmas angels are growing wiser every day.
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