The first one talks about our adventure with our summer pavillion which came seven months late... Read more here.
And then I shared in detail how I created the Advents Calendar that is very much a household tradition here in Germany for years. If you want to know how easy it was, click here.
This will be our first year with the Advent Calendar. We opted for a store-bought one from Costco- they had a good price onit. I wlll blog about it in the next few days.
I'm curious about the "treasures"--- what do you have in those pouches?
That's an interesting tradition. I haven't read your PMN article about it yet but I love the nice photo. I'll check your article soon.
marysmom - i always create the advent calendars myself, i just love doing them. their treasures for this year consist of different clickits things...
rach - i always send to my nieces and nephews and some godchildren some advent calendars filled with chocos for christmas. so they have also started that tradition in manila :D
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