In response to KK's call to share -- here is my vanity bag, though so vain it is not really. Let me tell you, I scored 33% in the vanity test.
Somewhere along the way, the bag lost it's issue on vanity and it became a very dull and responsible family bag. Sorry, I got no chance to take a photo of what were inside because of the chaos of the unscheduled early return trip home. I just shook the things on it out and placed them back in the bathroom cabinet, as soon as I got my hands on it. I simply wanted to put everything in their proper places like the kids in their own beds, my husband in the garden, and myself in front of the computer, nyehehe!
I got this bag for 1,00 euro in ebay, plus shipment cost, two years ago. A bargain because the bag is almost new and it is really sturdy. It used up being a vanity case with it's first ownership, I think! I love lugging it along because of it's size: it is divided into two roomy pockets and there are small rubberized and adjustable pockets. Plus, you can just easily hang it in your shoulder. The vanity case is the last one we load in the car, actually. I needed to check and re-check a hundred times if I have the must bring items for the kids that's why. This bag is with us in almost every trip we take around Europe.
What are usually the things inside the bag? Let me tick them off:
- shampoos for kids and for mom and dad
- lotion for kids
- sun block lotion and after sun lotion
- liquid bath soaps for kids and mom/dad
- anti-insect spray
- aloe heat lotion, aloe propolis lotion, aloe first spray
- thermometer, aspirin, nose spray
- anti-motion sickness homoepathy balls
- hubby's razor
- some toothpick and cotton buds
- a sewing kit (usually those that I got from hotels)
- two hair brushes (one for me, one for hubby), and one comb for the kids
- 4 toothbrushes, 2 toothpastes (one for kids, one for mom/dad), floss
- one lipstick, a moisturizer, lip balm (this would be the ONLY vanity part)
- deo roll for my hubby, a spray for me
- nail clippers, tweezer, Swiss knife, hunting knife, small pair of scissors
- band-aid, panty liners
- kids' hair accessories
- packs of disposable hankies
- a man's hanky which would be used to clean the family's sunglasses and my eyeglasses
- some loose change
Here is my used-to-be-vanity bag :-)
Hi Raq,
Thanks for responding to my call to vanity show and tell. Ay sus, that's a family utility bag! What a bargain though, 1 euro- galing! For me kasi, I wanted my own bag in which no one else but me can touch, hehehe. Thanks again for being game.
hi KK -- i enjoyed it coz it made me realize how it became a family utility bag as you said, haha.
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